Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pt Reyes Christmas Fun

Some dear friends of ours that we met in Washington DC were spending Christmas at a beach house in Marshall, CA this year. Now, don't be surprised if you haven't heard of Marshall. We hadn't either. I mean, the population is 50 people. But it's a gorgeous little town. The house was surrounded by the ocean, and actually on stilts so that the ocean was underneath it at high tide. 
 This photo is kind of blurry, but you can see how close we were to the ocean. It was so gorgeous, peaceful, and serene ... well, as much as it can be with a 4, 2, and 1 year old.
 There were lots of photos taken over those two days we spent together, just not by me.  Here's Laura holding Easton.  We ate delicious food together, exchanged gifts, baked Christmas cookies, strung popcorn for the tree, took an adventure off to Drakes Beach in the rain, played games, drank wine, and just enjoyed each other's company. You know you have good friends when it doesn't even feel like you've been apart.  One of the sweetest things was seeing our kids play so sweetly together.  

Can't wait for the next Ikeda/Grover reunion. 

And I don't know if this link will work if you aren't friends with John on Facebook, but he took many more photos than I did of our fun time together.

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