Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gilroy with the fam

When I found out that Grandma was going to have Grandma Chaney visiting over her spring break, I couldn't pass up the chance for a two for one grandma visit. And, lucky us, Auntie Ann and Nolan were in town too. It was just too bad Lane couldn't join us for our midweek day trip. 

I had the timing planned perfectly- to leave just as Easton tired for his morning nap. Well, that didn't work out as planned. Easton napped early for some reason that day and woke up just in time for the drive. We ended up making an emergency Petco trip to break up the drive. Oohing and aahing at the rodents, birds, fish, and kitties and watching some doggies get groomed was just what we needed to recover from being in the car. 
Grandma was happy to be with her boys.
Easton got his Auntie Ann snuggles right away.
And then got busy with playtime!
Just look at this sweet daredevil.
The boys picked lemons for Grandma.
Easton is such a blondie in our family, but  his hair looks brown compared to Nolan's.
Doing some yard work for Grandpa.
Ann, Gabriela, and I left the boys with the    Grandmas so we could do a little shopping at Mango Street Kids. The grandmas were happy to have their special time and we were glad to do some baby-free shopping. Easton looks like he enjoyed his snuggles from Grandma  Chaney.

Later that evening, Uncle Noal and Auntie Elizabeth came over. We, of course, had to stay long enough to visit with Grandpa, and Uncle Ian was in to for work so we got to see him as well!
What a wonderful day trip!  Days like these are exactly why we moved back to California.  We love spending time with our family!

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