Sunday, May 12, 2013

18 months old

It seems like Easton started truly trying to talk the day after turning 17 months old. Before then, he said just a couple words, but mostly signed a lot. In the last month, Easton started saying more, cheese, ball, book, moon, hot, auntie, apple, please, keys, I love you, and Gabriela. Although it sounds like "Allah". It is so precious watching him say her name or call out to her. Easton will say mama and dada over again when he wants our attention. And he doesn't stop until we respond appropriately. Usually, I hear  him from the other room on repeat, when I go check on him, he is pointing to a picture in a book and eagerly waiting for me to name the object for him. 

We haven't really taught Easton more signs this month, apart from strawberry, which he uses often. Easton did make up two new signs this month. One is for sneeze or nose blowing. He puts his hand to his nose and scrunches up his nose and forehead. The other is hug. Easton folds his arms and squeezes them close to his chest. 

Another new thing for Easton this month is that he is constantly reenacting things with sound effects to tell us what is going on. So my whole life is basically a long game of charades, or better yet soundstage from Cranium. Like after the garbage truck leaves,  Easton quickly jerks his hands up high overheard with a dramatic grunt and then brings them down again with a different sound effects. 

Easton's newest thing is spotting interesting vehicles on the road. Gabriela helps point out the garbage trucks, street sweepers, school buses, deliver trucks and other exciting vehicles. When Easton sees them, he gets a big grin and asks for more. He says Mama or Allah over and over again until he sees the next one.

I am glad about this distraction, because earlier this month Easton figured out how to unbuckle his car seat buckle and he just wouldn't stop. He isn't really doing that anymore now, but he loves to fasten and unfasten his high chair buckles and any others he can get his hands on. 

Easton still loves basketball and will point out any hoop he spots, but that's not his only sport. Easton is a football fan too! He really has quite an arm and can throw things to with excellent aim. Not only that, he's a pro at catching the football as well.

It makes me so happy to see Easton excited about spending time with other family members.  He leans over to his uncles and aunties, ready for them to hold him and play with him when we are together.  Lately, Easton is so excited for Daddy to come home at the end of the day. He sometimes stands in front of the window yelling Dada! Dada!  And then when Lane arrives, he immediately wants Lane to chase him through the house and give him pony rides.  

This month, I've started trying not to nurse Easton at bedtime.  So Daddy has been putting him down for the night.  It's not nearly as easy as Mommy putting him to bed, but we are trying to ease up on a little of the nursing, starting with that feeding.

Easton still isn't really much of an eater.  He just isn't interested.  So when he does feel like eating, I will just keep giving him food until he's done because I don't know when he will eat next.

Easton also recognizes when people are hurt, does his hurt sign, and offers kisses to make the owies better.  Sometimes, he is the one doing scratching.  He will stop, reenact the scratching, sign gentle, and give a kiss.

We love our growing baby boy so much and can't believe today he is one and a half!  Happy Half Birthday, Easton Michael.  We love you bunches!

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