Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gabriela's Autobiography

Today, while reading a book we learned what an autobiography was. Gabriela dictated hers to me.  Here you go: 

I was born in Washington D.C. and once, my mom took off my dress and threw it on a candle in the bathroom, and the candle was lit! On Halloween, my Mommy took me to the American Red Cross where she worked. I was dressed up like a ladybug.  When I was a little baby, Nana and Papa and Uncle David and Auntie Cynthia and Uncle Ian, Auntie Adie, and Claire and Natalie all came to visit me.

Since we were so far away from the rest of our family, we decided to move to California. I grew up strong and healthy. When I was two years old, we moved into a small green house in Alameda.  My dad bought me a new bed. It was a toddler sized bed, not a cradle or a crib. But, I never did sleep in it.

Then, when I was three, I learned how to ride a Skuut bike. My baby brother was born in 2011.  I went to preschool.  Preschool is school for three year olds!

On July 20th, I had my birthday and turned four years old.  I had a fairy birthday party. Chaney chased us.  I went to Disneyland. I went on so much rides, it was so much fun! I loved Pirates of the Caribbean and Splash Mountain. 

I had a rainbow party when I turned five. I moved to a new house in El Sobrante. We found out that I am having a baby sister. I started kindergarten and I like it. And, of course, I am homeschooled.  I like homeschool because I get to spend all day with my family.

When I grow up, I want to be an artist. I think I will move to Washington D.C. and work at the American Red Cross.  I would like to have some kids. If I don't, I will be like Frida. Frida is a lady who had no children and she was devastated when she learned that she would have no children.

I think when I grow up, I will care about other people.  Even if they are mean to me, I will still do nice things for them.

When I grow up, I am going to be a famous lady and do very famous things. I might be famous for teaching some people not to do war.

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