Sunday, December 27, 2015

Two months old

It's been another whole month of having our little Willow here at home with us. She is such a delight. We can help but snuggle her all the time. 

Willow has been to some parties over the last month and has shown that she can handle crowds of people and long drives well.  

She still has grumpy fussy days followed by days of restful sleepiness. Today is an "I will only nap on your chest" kind of day. I sometimes worry about the work I need to get done when Willow cries the instant I lay her down on the bed/bouncer/floor/napper. But I'm trying to embrace the opportunities for extra closeness and time slowing down to enjoy my baby. 

Here is Willow sporting her one month acne. 
She has been giving some giant smiles, cooing her way through very in depth conversations, and even giving loud squeals. I am so ready to hear her laugh, as soon as she discovers how. It is possible that I've tried many different silly ways to get a laugh out of this sweetie pie. One day soon. 
Willow can lift her whole upper body up, kind of like upward facing dog yoga pose. She is very interested in everything that happens around her. She has been trying to suck on her hands, but she still has her thumbs tucked tightly in her fists. I am certain that her hands were this way in the womb (like a sign language letter t). She just won't pry her thumb out. This baby girl has some strong legs. She is always extending them and putting her weight on them.
Willow has some of her happiest moments on our changing table. She just coos and smiles and talks her way through, always dancing as soon as her diaper is removed. We call it the "no diaper dance".  She adores her rainbows ribbon and fabric banner and looks up at it every time. 
This month Willow has emerged as her own little wakeful, wondering, engaging self, rather than a constantly sleepy newborn. Look how much personality she has!
A mama in our homeschool group made this quilt for Willow. Isn't it adorable? 
On one of Willow's recent fussy days, I couldn't get her to calm down for anything. Gabriela is always so anxious to hold Willow. She doesn't care if the baby is fussy. Gabriela proudly walked in the room to show me that her daddy had set them both up with the moby carrier. Willow settled down and fell asleep immediately, leaving me with two content little girls.
These big kids can't get enough of their baby sister. Gabriela is always asking to hold Willow and Easton always wants to snuggle with her. He is constantly melting my heart saying the sweetest things like, "i just can't stop snuggling Willow" "Willow, you are the best baby!" And my personal favorite, "I think I fell in love with Willow". They want to read to her, bounce her, snuggle her, sing to her, and hold her nonstop. She couldn't be more loved. But sometimes she has to let them know when she needs more space. 

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