Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

Gabriela had Christmas Eve all planned out. First and foremost, we had to make tamales. Her plan was for us to make them on Christmas Eve so we could eat them all day on christmas, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now, that's a plan I can get behind. 

Easton always comes running and asking to help whenever I am in the kitchen. Christmas Eve was no exception. He helped me make the chile ancho sauce for the carnitas meat I had cooked for tamales. 
Easton put all the hojas in the sink to soak. Here he is, saying, "good thing I wore short sleeves today!" Ever the optimist, my Easton. 
The kids enjoyed tracking Santa on his trip around the world. Being the homeschool mama that I am, I got out our atlas so the kids could look at the countries in more detail, but I don't think they even opened it. Worthy a shot, right?! I love their elf hats from Nana. 
Gabriela helped with the tamale making by mixing up the masa. She enjoyed the messy gooey mixing by hand.  
Making tamales was a family affair. We also had to read Too Many Tamales, of course. 
Later that afternoon, the kids did a round of ornament decorating. They took this very seriously. Gabriela wasn't satisfied with the many colors available, so she mixed her own. And here's what we were left with by the end of the night. 
Gabriela's other special Christmas request was to have a fire in our fireplace. Lane normally doesn't care to use the fireplace. It gets smoky and doesn't generate too much heat. But he happily fulfilled Gabriela's request and built a raging fire.  We stayed cozy next to it and read some Christmas books together before settling in for bed. 
I was so grumpy on Christmas Eve. I was snappy at the kids and unable to enjoy the excitement and love of Christmas that the kids felt. Then, at some sappy Christmas song, I lost it and just sobbed and sobbed. I realized I was touchy and upset because I was missing Simone so much more than normal. Then I felt guilty about being grumpy. I mean, it's bad enough that Simone isn't here with us, I didn't need to let that take over and prevent me from enjoying the special day with my other children. So, naturally, I cried more out of guilt for snapping at the kids and not making our day so memorable and magical. 

But, as usually happens, letting out all those tears gave me some relief. 

The kids brilliantly decided to leave Santa a tamale for a Christmas Eve snack and this is what our tree looked like when I went to bed that night. 

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