Thursday, January 28, 2016

Peter Pan Book Club

This month we read Peter Pan and Wendy for our book club read. I had never read the book before, and was delighted with the language, Gabriela loved the story, and Easton paid close attention to all the Captain Hook and pirate swashbuckling. 

Our book club fun started with a pirate treasure hunt. Some mamas hid clues all around one family's property. The kids all took turns reading clues, checking out new sections of the map, and deciding where to go next. 
Their treasure hunt led them through the whole property, and right over this whole hill. I can't believe they scaled it all, and then climbed back down on the other side. The kids are in this photo, but it's almost impossible to tell Willow and I opted out of climbing over this hill in the mud. 
They found the digging site and just went for it, getting as muddy as can be, until they discovered the buried hidden treasure. Pirate chocolates!! 
Easton took his digging very seriously. 

Look at this sweet boy. 
Then we came inside for book discussion and a potluck taco dinner night. Everyone ate before settling down to watch Peter Pan. 
Just look at these precious kids, all snuggled up to their friends, enjoying a movie and sharing popcorn. 
Easton decided to sit right up front. Best seat in the house. We rounded off the Peter Pan weekend by watching Hook the next evening at home. We all enjoyed catching references to the book that we hadn't noticed before.  

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