Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nine Months (and two days) Old!

Gabriela spent her nine month birthday in California, which is why this post is 2 days late. I had a work training to do in San Jose, so I brought her with me. It was a short trip filled with long work days commuting to San Jose. I didn't really tell anyone we were going because I knew it was going to be crazy busy and hectic.

Anyway, we are pretty sure Gabriela gets cuter by the second. She easily sits up by herself, crawls on all fours, pulls herself to standing on every possible surface (mom, dad, tables, chairs, lamps, couches, dishwashers, you name it) and sometimes even does a little cruising - that is, walking alongside furniture. She sits very well for storytime and loves to turn the pages of her books.

Since learning how to stand up, it's not as easy to leave Gabriela in her crib to fall asleep. She says Dada and Mama and even Nana!! Gabriela is also a HUGE flirt. She loves boys. She can't keep her eyes off of boys and is always flashing them smiles! uh-oh.

Gabriela doesn't seem very interested in her food purees anymore. I think it's because she knows she can feed herself with her fingers. We give her lots of table food now. She can eat almost anything if it's cut into tiny pieces for her (by her mother who is paranoid she might choke). Even though she prefers finger foods, one of her absolute favorites is smoothies. Gabriela just can't get enough of them.

I think she might be teething again. Gabriela's had a runny nose for about a week and also is much more drooly than usual. I'll keep you posted.

Her nine month check up at the doctor is in a few weeks, so we don't know exactly how tall Gabriela is, or how much she weighs, but she is getting SOOO tall!


banananutmeg said...

happy 9th month, Gabriela!

Leanne said... more California -- we're coming back to DC.

The Sylvester Crew said...

I love the picture of her with the play food. It's like "Hello are you serious. . .I want some real food!" Happy Nine Months and we will see you soon!!