Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Seven Months Old

The day after Easton turned 6 months old, he started sitting up like a champ. It was so sudden.  He went from toppling over after a few seconds to sitting up for minutes (and minutes and minutes) at a time.  
At just about the same time he started doing this silly heart melting mega-grin.  See for yourself: 
He throws his head all the way back, squints his eyes, and opens his mouth as big as he can.  At first, Easton did this grin to everyone all the time, but now he reserves it for when he's trying to get someone's attention.

Maybe he was also just super excited to show off his new top teeth.  Easton cut one front top tooth over Memorial Day weekend, and the other one just over a week later.  He is still drooling like crazy, chomping on toys, his fingers, his mama, nearby chairs, just about anything he can get his little hands on. So I think it's safe to assume that more teeth are following soon.

Easton is so close to crawling.  He can use his arms to rotate around in a full circle.  He pushes his whole front up (a la upward facing dog), and he is kicking his legs and digging his toes down into the ground, not to mention all the rolling over he does.  He just has to put all the puzzle pieces together.
 I suppose we should start child proofing. sigh.

He also started vocalizing different sounds this month.  Easton says "aye yai yai yai yai" and he says the "da" and "ga" sounds too.  He gets wildly excited when I ask if he wants milk or do the milk sign, so I know he understands that too. 

This little man still isn't a fan of sleeping by himself.  He had his first baths this month in the big bath tub, and he loved playing with toys and splashing around.  For a change, he didn't cry until after he was out of the bath, disappointed it was over.  Easton wakes up so happy every morning, and the first thing he does is smile and reach over to play with his big sister.  He thinks she is the funniest thing ever.

Easton had a lot of cousin fun over the last month too, more details in upcoming posts.
Easton is enjoying his solid foods.  I am trying to just make him some version of our meals instead of cooking up completely different baby foods for him.  The other night I pureed up some cooked orzo with parmesan cheese and peas. Easton loved it! He is a big fan of roasted broccoli and garlic puree, hummus, mashed apricot, and israeli cous cous.  Easton is starting to lean his head forward for bites of food.  We are trying to teach him the "more" sign.  

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