Thursday, January 15, 2009

A day at the doctors' offices

Monday night and Tuesday night Gabriela was awake. Lucky for us, she never cries at night but she was coughing the whole time. I was debating whether or not to take her to the doctor . . . would they just tell me she has a virus, and stick it out? I'd rather they tell me that I was overreacting than not go and find out I should have (and, consequently, feel like a bad mama). So off we went. It turns out Gabriela has a sinus infection. Poor baby. AND it's spreading to her ear. Fabulous. Her little lungs are extra susceptible to flare ups since she's still getting over her virus so Gabriela gets to take her inhaler again (her favorite) and another antibiotic prescription. sigh.

Thursday was a rough day. Gabriela's schedule got all out of whack. Everytime she fell asleep, we had to go somewhere and she ended up waking up.

Nevertheless, she was an angel. We got to the pediatrician at 12:30. By the time we waited our turn, were seen, paid, and left, it was 2. By 3 we were out the door again to the metro headed to my doctor appointment. The midwives were running late. I had to get blood drawn after my appointment. The bus couldn't take its normal route because of inauguration street closures. We talked to crazy people on the bus. We didn't get home until 7. Gabriela finally took a long nap and slept very well that night. phew.

In other news, I have been deemed entirely too skinny. I knew they would tell me this. I am supposed to start drinking protein shakes inbetween meals. I found some hippy organic hemp protein powder, but I'm going to scope out Trader Joes first. Anyone else lose too much weight after baby? Any tips on getting back on track in a healthy manner? I don't want to eat junk just to pork out.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

You should talk to two are the only people I've ever known with this problem :)