Friday, January 16, 2009

Staying home for the inauguration

Yep, it's true. We are 5 miles away, just across a bridge, and we are going to stay home for this momentous occasion. I would love to go, but not as much as I love cozy warmth, non-smelly private potties with running water, being able to sit whenever I'd like and not being crowded and pushed around.

I might have considered going if the weather weren't so freezing! Today it was 11 degrees when we woke up, felt like -4. Oh, and the whole baby thing makes it a little harder.

I am seriously worried for the Metro system and Metro riders. As much as I adore our public transportation system, I just don't think it's tough enough to handle all the people who are supposed to be in town. All week Metro has been having delays and train malfunctions. Just this morning, the train was SO crowded because of an earlier delay. If Metro struggles with a busy commute day, I dont' know how the system will survive ALL those people. They are actually asking anyone within a 2 mile radius to just walk. Good luck folks, as you brave the crowds on the train and on the Mall.

So, we're staying home. That's right, the buildings where we work are shut and locked down until Wednesday. We're looking forward to some extra Gabriela time as well as being able to watch this historic moment from the comfort of our cozy warm apartment.

Congrats, Barack. Cos, you know, we're on a first-name basis, he and I.

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