I cannot tell you how awkward it is to have someone tell you this about your child. Is it supposed to be a compliment?!? How the heck are you supposed to respond to this? "excuse me?" "why, thank you!","Oh no, you didn't!!" I think I mostly just smiled kind of strangely when people would say this to me - yes, I have been told this on numerous occasions. What I felt like saying was, "oh, you caught me! Yes, I'm the crazy adult woman who bought a BabyBjorn so I could carry my life-size doll around town during the day. I also tote around this bag full of useless supplies for my pretend child. you know, just in case."
But, then Gabriela fell asleep on the couch the other night and we couldn't help but snap some photos because she looked like such a little angel doll baby.
The things people say! Too weird!
yeah , but doesn't see always look like a little angle "doll baby"?
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