All in all, it was a fabulous time and a great way for Lane to spend his birthday. The boys did manly things together like building a horseshoe pit and shooting guns, and golfing. The whole Grover crew spent lots of time together by the "camp fire" eating delicious Auntie Ann baked goodies, and the daughters-in-law went on some excursions to thrift and fabric stores.
Now I just went along for the ride to the fabric store. What do I need to do there!?!?!?!? I only discovered recently that I'm a teeny bit crafty. Well, I saw the most darling little girl quilt ever! I just about died when I saw it. It's just too bad I don't know how to quilt right? Or that I've never sewn anything before in my life, or own a sewing machine, or even know someone who owns a sewing maching. But did this stop me from buying all the material and pattern to make this quilt?!?!?! no.
People, I decided if I can make a scarf, why can't I make a quilt? I figure I have time. Gabriela doesn't even have a bed, let alone a bedroom, right? 02122222 (that was Gabriela's contribution to today's blog)
How would you have been able to resist these patterns?!?!? Wish me luck, cos I'm gonna need it!!!