Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a Steal!

We spent most of Saturday shopping, shopping, and then - you guessed it - shopping some more. We just couldn't help all the fabulous deals we got. If you don't care about shopping deals stop right here.

First we stopped at Goodwill. We are going camping next week in CA with all the Grovers and Gabriela needed some clothes that she could get all dirty in. We found a couple items for super cheap, and even some cute non-camping dresses.

I've been wanting a subscription to the magazine Cooks Illustrated, but haven't gotten around to it. Imagine my surprise when I saw not one, or two, or even three, but FOUR hard bound copies of the annual collections of recipes. And not just the recipes, but each issue of the magazine in its entirety for the whole year. The best part?!?!? They were each $1.69!!! I can't wait to read them all cover to cover. It's funny because this book cost me nearly twice the price doesn't appear to be nearly as useful.

And oh my goodness, I never fully appreciated the wonders of Ross. We stopped there to get some more baby clothes and I got things for like 99 cents, and complete outfits for less than $5.00. My cooking skills are only going to get better after reading Martha Stewart's Cooking School that I scored for $9.99! Watch Out! And I'm sure I'll find a recipe to use with my new Cast Iron Cassoulet dish.
Lane scored a ton of finds as well.

Since I'm already gushing about great deals, I may as well share that I recently purchased a pair of Nine West shoes. I found them on the Nine West website and liked them, but they were $79! Ouch. So I searched around and found the exact same pair of shoes on Amazon for..... TWENTY THREE DOLLARS AND SIXTY EIGHT CENTS! No shipping costs either! I was so proud of myself :-D

Sorry for my totally not so interesting post. Well, it's interesting to me, anyway. Right now I'm waiting for some brownies to come out of the oven from one of the Cooks Illustrated books. This guy tried like 50 different versions of a recipe before he came up with the one that's making my apartment smell so delicious right now. I am dying to eat those bad boys.


Lane said...

Wow. At least that guy didn't waste his time. Those are some bomb brownies! They're such chewy-chocolaty-perfectly crispy on the outside bits of heaven . . . mmmm! I Can't wait to try more recipes.

Lane said...

Oh yeah . . . they put Martha's brownies to shame.

banananutmeg said...

there is something sick that happens in my brain when I save on something big time. I'm not sure what it is...but it's the similar "fix" that I get from home improvement projects. This post was TOTALLY interesting to me! I LOVE a good deal. Good for you guys, and have fun camping with all the Grovers, sounds like a blast!

David Clower said...

i paid full price for my copy of martha's stewart's cooking school and i stood in line for over an hour to meet that ol' jailbird...she signed my book, but i don't think i've ever used it...just sitting there waiting to be moved to houston.

miss y'all.

- david