Friday, May 29, 2009

It's Too Bad

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We went up to Paradise, CA where Lane's parents bought a pretty sweet place. All the Grovers came for the long Memorial Day weekend. It's just too bad there wasn't anything for the grandkids to do ;)

There was baseball playing, bug catching, uncle wrestling, tractor riding, slipping and sliding, fort building, chalk drawing, water fighting, playing in Grandpa's truck, horseshoe playing, bike riding, smores toasting, and all sorts of other things going on. Those kids were going nonstop from the time they woke up until they collapsed every night.
As you can see, even Gabriela got a taste of the slip n' slide action, although we're pretty sure she didn't care for it. Maybe next time.


Anonymous said...

okay, I have tried to leave a comment but it didn't post and now it is erased.


Anonymous said...

I also clicked on name and URL but it posted as anonymous! Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I will try just one more time. Then I will have to get on with my life! :)

Our biggest dream was to have a place with enough "pretty" to be happy and share with our entire family. We were so happy to have all of our children there and enjoying themselves. It was our dream come true. It was wonderful to see the parents so relaxed and the children so safe. Of course the coyotes yipping while Chaney and Bruce (both 8 years old) were playing in the dark in the park alone was a little unnerving for the old lady, but they graciously accommodated her when she called them toward the light!!
We missed you all before you even left. It was so hard to say goodbye. And the quiet was everywhere. But we are so blessed that you ALL came.

We tried a couple of cherries, picked the ripe zucchini and dropped some off at Grandma Chaney's on the way out of town. On the drive back to Gilroy,Dad dictated a list of all the work he still wants to get done in the next few visits. It was 3 PAGES long!! I guess we will have to start some chore cards, but the only problem is the only people left are....Dad and me!! :) Is this a case of poor planning or "better late than never"? We love this work. :)

But we love all of you the most!!

Mom and Dad Grover
PS The berry pies weren't bad either. :)