Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gabriela reads you The Way I Feel

I have to apologize in advance for the wacky angles at which this video was shot.  I was laying in bed with Gabriela and reading a goodnight story to her when I decided to document her reading. Plus, she was kind of antsy and moving all around as you will see.  Gabriela got this awesome book called The Way I Feel from Nana and Papa for her birthday, and she loves reading it. I have to warn you - since she's reading a whole book for you, the video is kind of long. 
Some of my favorite parts are when she asks how the kids in the pictures feel, how she says "pointed-dis" for disappointed, and "toyeh" for toy.  As you will be able to see from the video, Gabriela's favorite emotion in the book is angry.


Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

how cute is she???!!! I love her cute girlie voice!!!!

Unknown said...

I love that girl. I had so much fun reading that book to her last weekend. xoxo baby girl!

The Sylvester Crew said...

Love this kid! Miss you guys so much! How's things in Oakland?