Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gabriela Update

I don't know when this happened, but Gabriela is such a big girl now. She can recognize her name in writing, adores doing 12 piece puzzles all by herself, and sings the alphabet.  Some of her favorite things to do these days are jumping on the trampoline, pretending in her kitchen, and going places like to the library for story time, the zoo, and riding on the merry go round.  Gabriela also loves to "do letters on the computer". I bring up Word, increase the font size and color and she types away saying which letter she's working on.

Gabriela has also been playing a lot with a doll baby she refers to as My Baby Sister.  What the heck?!?!?!  She rocks her and puts her in the stroller, changes her poopy diaper, and wraps her up in a blankie.  We talked about Keady's baby sister growing in her mommy's belly and visited another friend with a 1 month old baby sister recently so this may be where all the Baby Sister talk is coming from.  As far as we know, Gabriela doesn't have a real baby sister coming anytime soon.

She also has been saying lots of funny things recently like...

calling me "Uncle Mommy"  that was special.

"Daddy!!! TWO HANDS!  Drive two hands!! ... Good boy"  I never tell Lane to drive with two hands, but Gabriela is always on his case about driving this way.  What a backseat driver she is!

"Daddy, I growing today!"

She saw me with a barrette of hers in my hair the other day and said, "um, actually it's mines.   That special."

Gabriela has progressed from referring to herself as "Lah-Lah" to "gabi-lah-lah" and now, "Gabi -ella"

Gabriela also started using the word "remember" recently. She asks all the time if I remember an auntie or uncle or cousin of hers, or our friend's dog, or the time we went to the store and tried on shoes. I love knowing more about what she's thinking about.

She also appears to have a little OCD or something.  Gabriela cannot STAND when any doors or drawers have been left open, not even the tiniest bit.  She yells, "mommy, the door open, door open" and she'll get up to close it. She detests messes of any kind and insists they be cleaned up right away. Gabriela wants to wash her hands ALL the time. In the middle of eating she will get up to wash her hands if there are even a few crumbs on her hands.

1 comment:

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

I've been so busy with school, I haven't had a chance to get on to the blogs. So I just caught up on your blog. Can't believe how much your little GABI ELLA is growing! I love all the cute stuff she's saying. So when are you gonna make her a big sister? LOL!! That's too cute! Looks like you guys are constantly taking her to fun places, and making great memories! That's awesome!