Saturday, September 4, 2010


We were really looking forward to Keady's arrival.  I guess Gabriela wanted to impress her or something because this is what Gabriela did to herself in the 3 minutes that we weren't watching her closely before the Medinas arrived.

I guess we have to add the "no coloring your face" rule to marker time.  We cleaned Gabriela up before her Keady-reunion.

Back to Habitot...Haitot is a children's discovery museum in Berkeley, but especially for toddlers.  They had a wiggle wall that kiddos could crawl up and down inside, a space ship station, complete with astronaut dress up outfits, a grocery store with play food and shopping carts, an arts and crafts room, a water play/car wash area, and even a hookah room.  Okay, it wasn't really a hookah room.  But it was painted a deep purple, had exotic lighting, and fancy decorative pillows all over the floor.  It was officially the "storytelling tent".  Habitot also had a parents' resource room, a toy lending library, and they offer cool classes for kids like Spanish music, African dance, or toddler cooking!  We are definitely coming back. Glad to have experienced it for the first time with Gabriela's friend Keady.

These girls were so busy playing, I hardly got any pictures where they were actually both looking at the camera.  It's safe to say that Habitot was a hit!

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