Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ahoy Thar Scurvy Dogs, It be Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Shiver Me Timbers, just look at all this pirate booty!
Check out the pirate Meliss drew!!
Meliss gathered all the awesome pirate books and toys together in honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day.  The kids got dressed up, played like pirates, read pirate books (which are in no shortage around here), made pirate stencil pics, and are going to get some pirate tattoos! 

Gabriela went to Farmers Market dressed like a pirate, apparently no one else knew it was Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Before naptime we read How I Became a Pirate, and Gabriela's favorite: Pirates Don't Change Diapers

1 comment:

kljackson15 said...

Ok, this is toooo cute!!!! Hooray for taking advantage of any excuse to celebrate! I knew about it from Twitter, so I totally *got* this post :)