Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Saturday

We started out the day decorating Easter eggs. We used tea bags and berries and turmeric for egg dye. Gabriela kept dropping her eggs in the bowl forcefully and trying to crack them like when we bake. There were a few casualties. I forgot to take pictures of her first egg decorating ever. boo.

We decided that in order to get the kids to eat anything remotely healthy before their Easter egg hunt, we should have a tea party lunch. So here they are, waiting for things to get started. 

On the menu: yogurt and fruit parfaits, dried fruit, apple slices, string cheese rolled in lunch meat, peanut butter and banana roll ups, and of course, tea.

Then it was time for the Easter egg hunt to begin. Andrew and Gabriela were thrilled!
 Andrew finding some eggs in the flowers
 Gabriela hasn't really perfected her technique yet. She couldn't wait to see what was inside, and would open each egg after finding it to peek inside, and possibly have a little snack (while Andrew kept filling his bag).
 See what I mean?!?  Thrilled!
 Caught in the act. Lane found some eggs and taste tested the contents. 
It was for the safety of the children, people.
 He also hid a couple eggs in this real birds' nest.

 Andrew is extremely camera shy
 Gabriela tried to trick me after we went back inside. She asked me when we were going to have our egg hunt. Did she think she could get two egg hunts out of me?!? When I told her we just had one, she acted defeated and said, "Oh yeah, I remember." shucks.

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