Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Beach

What is a trip to Santa Barbara without the beach?! Uncle Ian told Gabriela if she came to visit him he would take her to the beach, where he'd dig her a big hole with THREE steps.  Let me tell you, she did not forget. And neither did Uncle Ian. He got right to work a soon as we arrived.

 Natalie and Gabriela played together all day long - in the sand, at the water. It was pretty darn sweet.

 See what I mean? I just can't get over their cutesie piggie tails.
 Uncle Ian, finally relaxing after digging a hole so giant that 5 girls were playing inside it. So giant that their moms temporarily freaked because they couldn't find their kids at the beach.  It was that deep!

 Ruffle Butt

We had such a great time. The weather was perfect. 

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