Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Not for the three year old, for me.

Last night I burst into tears when I went to put the dinner dishes by the sink and saw the mountain of dishes, even though  I did a bunch of them earlier that day. I just feel like there's always so much to do and I can't do it, and I can't even imagine how much harder it is going to be splitting my attention between Gabriela and a new baby AND trying to keep our house in order.

Gabriela came up to me and told me she was worried about me when she saw me crying. I explained to her that I felt frustrated because there's just so much to do, and I can't do it all.

She tilted her head, put her hand on my belly and sweetly said, "I know, Mommy. It's okay, it's because you have a baby growing in your tummy."


Then this morning we had this conversation:

G (minutes after opening her eyes in the morning): Mommy, why did you have tears last night?
Me: Oh honey, sometimes Mommy gets frustrated when there's lots of work to do and I can't do it all.
G (smiling, knowingly): Yeah, that's because you have a big belly with a baby growing inside.

She is the sweetest.


Unknown said...

Awww. So sweet Miss G. Do what I do and eat out of the serving bowl/pan. Saves dishes and that way calories don't count. =] Love you so much, hope everything is okay now.

morethangray said...

What a sweetheart...who has been raised by a sweetheart! I'm sorry to hear you're stressing :\ We should get some pampering -- a mani pedi, perhaps?