Monday, June 11, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa's Farm

Lane's parents have a place up in Paradise that they call "The Farm". Since they don't live there full time, there aren't any animals, but they have a lovely garden and growing orchard, and a pretty and peaceful place where all the Grovers descended upon for Memorial Day weekend. 

Easton got some time with Grandma Chaney
 There was plenty of bug watching and catching going on.
 Uncle Ian time!
 We set up tents, even though there is a house.  It was easy peasy camping.  House with running water, functioning bathrooms, and fully stocked kitchen just steps away. Gabriela  insisted on sleeping with Claire and Natalie. Easton slept like a champ in our tent.  Can you believe it was the first time for them both sleeping in a tent?! We have to go camping more often.
There was lots of swinging.
The kids ate about 100 Otter Pops.  It was a weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's Farm, and they don't have them any other time, so they kind of went crazy. and we let them.
Bros in their hats, enjoying some beer

There were campfires and s'mores (and cookies and more cookies and birthday cakes)

Big kids playing catch and little kids playing in the grass.
Grandpa received his framed patent. That's right, he has an invention, and it has a patent.  Now all that's left is for Grandpa to make his millions.
Gabriela got snuggle time with Nolan.
And here we all are.  The Grover family keeps on growing!
 I hardly got any photos of Gabriela during our trip.  Come to think of it, I hardly saw her over the weekend with all the cousin fun that was happening.  My favorite part of the weekend was not captured on film - the badminton competition!! I had so much fun playing!

Here's Gabriela with Grandma Chaney
Little Easton got lots of Grandma and Grandpa time over the weekend, and we all had a healthy dose of fun!  Special bonus points to us for missing the traffic and having two super good traveling kiddos.

1 comment:

morethangray said...

What a beautiful family pic! Love it!!