Monday, June 18, 2012

Let's Go Oakland!

One of the things on our summer fun list was go to a baseball game. . . WITH fireworks!  The coliseum is so close that we can hear the fireworks from our house.  Who better to ask to join us than our friends, the Swans who are big Oakland A's fans.  They were wonderful company, as usual. Olivia and Brenna came all decked out in their A's gear, and they brought their friend, Arianna who was spending the weekend with them. 
 Brenna and Gabriela both got new A's hats.  Gabriela's was an early birthday present. (Gasp! her birthday is coming so soon! I better get my party planning act together)

 Look at these girls!!  They cheered, they danced, they ate hotdogs, they snacked, and played with each other.  It wasn't even too cold for a night game. I really enjoyed explaining how the game is played to Gabriela (me!!!) And, right after I sang Take Me Out to the Ballgame with her, she gave me this giant hug.
 At one point I busted out the emergency bubbles.  They were a hit.

 Look at these girls!  So much fun.

The fireworks show afterwards was pretty amazing. My only regret was that I forgot to inform Gabriela and prepare her for the fact that fireworks are incredibly loud and you can feel the booms inside your body.  Basically, she was terrified when they started and said, "I never ever want to see fireworks again!" Not exactly the reaction we were hoping for.  Nevertheless, she ended up enjoying the fireworks and said afterwards how beautiful they were.  And now, on Tuesday, she's still talking about how that was the best part of her day. 

Lane's dad told us that Grandma Chaney was watching the A's game on television trying to spot us on TV. How cute is that?!? 

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