Monday, October 22, 2012

Apple Picking in Brentwood

We went straight from Inverness to Brentwood to pick apples at the farm where we enjoyed peach picking this summer.  We got there kind of late, but still enjoyed ourselves. Even though the pumpkin pickings were slim and the tractor giving hay rides had a flat tire.  
 Gabriela got right down to business picking apples. 

 And tasting them.

 Easton recognized the apples and picked a couple all by himself and then started eating bites out of them too.

 We spotted a baby apple tree and thought it would be a good spot to take some pictures of our babies.

 Can you believe how light Easton's hair is??

 He was much happier when we gave him an apple to munch on.

 We ended apple picking with some swing rides there on the farm.  By the time we were done picking, the farm had put away the tables, scales, and cash registers so we got our apples for free.  Yay!!!  Now, I wish we had gotten more. We knew we were leaving in two days for Disneyland so we didn't buy too many.  We ate crisp, juicy Pink Lady apples every day on our Disneyland trip that we picked ourselves from the orchard. 

We got home just in time to unpack, do the laundry, and pack up again for a whirlwind trip to Disneyland!

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