Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pre-Halloween Weekend

I love Alameda. On Friday the firefighters set up a mini-pumpkin patch for the kiddos.  You walk through, pick your FREE pumpkin, a firefighter hands you a goodie bag, and you get to take turns checking out the fire trucks. How fun is that??  
 Gabriela loved being Firefighter Gabriela, or as she likes to call them "fighter fighters".

 We met up with Rowan who got so excited upon seeing Gabriela and Easton.  He grabbed Gabriela's hand and they marched off to the playground together to have some serious fun.
 I am so happy that these kids love each other as much as they do. Rowan is saying Gabriela and Easton's names now. It totally melts my heart.
 Saturday we went to the local elementary school's Halloween carnival. Gabriela asked before we got there if she would be the only Glinda. I told her it was possible that someone else might be Glinda also. 

 Gabriela used her tickets to play some carnival games, get cotton candy, a snow cone, popcorn, a brownie, go in the bounce house, go on the bouncy slide, do a cake walk (we didn't win), AND go in the haunted house with Daddy. 
 After checking out the marching band playing Star Wars villian songs, we saw this: A grown up Glinda.  This woman's costume is AMAZING! She handmade it and it is exactly like the Glinda in the movie. She said it took her three months to make it and watched the movie zillions of times to make sure she got it right.
 Easton was the sweetest little jack-o-lantern.  I loved him in those striped tights!!

 That night I gave Gabriela some proper sleeves to her costume.  Thank goodness for glue guns, people.  And Lane and I made her a real glittery staff.  She got dressed up again for a costume picnic at the park with some of our friends in town.
 I wish I had taken more photos. The babies were so cute.  Here is Thomas dressed as Robin and eating a block of cheese.
 Easton was very excited that I didn't confiscate the sugar cookie he grabbed and actually let him eat some of it.  I mean, it is Halloween, right?!?
 Daddy took Easton to the playground and demonstrated Easton's cool new trick that they have apparently been working on during Daddy time at the park. Hanging.  You know, a milestone for all 11 month olds - hanging from the monkey bars for extended periods of time. 
 Easton loves it. He asks for more.  This kid is probably going to be a daredevil, just like his big sister.  Gabriela was too busy playing for me to snap many pictures of her.
Easton went right to sleep after playing on the playground, riding in the swing, and playing with all his buddies. 

We have hopes of decorating pumpkins later tonight, so there may be even more Halloween festivities left in this weekend!

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