Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas in Los Banos: Part 1

We were so lucky to have Lane home for as long as we did over the holidays. He was going to take 3 days off from work and his boss gave him Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve off, which counting the weekends was 11 days off! Yippee!!  We drove down to Los Banos where my parents live now where Gabriela had some extra cousin time.
 These two are total goofballs, just look at them!  They cuddled under a blankie and watched The Polar Express on Christmas Eve.
 Easton took a nap on Uncle Matthew's shoulder.
 Bobby bought Gabriela her first ever set of Legos. She loved them!  She kept putting them together and taking them apart over and over again.
 Yay, Sisters!
 There was some fancy Christmas Eve hot cocoa going on.
 A reading of The Polar Express by Auntie Theresa.  See Gabriela sporting her Christmas jammies that I made her??? I was really proud of those, especially because I wasn't sure I was going to have time to make them for a while.
 Andrew gives his hot cocoa a thumbs up.
 And Gabriela happily drank all of hers.
 Here's her goofy thumbs up pose too.
 I can't believe Gabriela wore those Christmas jammies a few years ago. Here, Auntie Theresa is trying to be naughty by letting Easton go to crazytown on the peppermint marshmallows.
He didn't want any, he just stuffed them in her mouth! It was pretty funny. 

My mom had some jingle bell decorations over a door and every time someone opened it, Gabriela was certain that Santa had arrived. After she fell asleep, the grown ups hung out and finished wrapping some of our presents, joked, and got ready for the Christmas magic to happen the next day.

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