Monday, September 21, 2015

Baby Grover 4.0, Week 35

Week 35 started with me doing repeated handstands and backwards somersaults in the pool, bouncing up and down in the water, hoping to get this baby to readjust herself into the proper position. I must have looked bonkers. 

Monday was my first set of non-stress testing at the hospital. Gabriela and Easton were really well behaved during that time. Gabriela read to Easton, she held him in her lap, and told him stories. And this baby girl was on her good behavior too. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that she is head down. And hoping she will stay that way!  The technician is the second in one week to comment on the baby's hair. We predicted that this baby would have a full head of hair. Even though Easton was practically bald when he was born, my girls seem to come with their hair all grown in. 

She was responsive to the testing and has plenty of amniotic fluid. I made appointments for every Wednesday and Saturday at the hospital well into the month of October. I'm hoping the rest of this testing goes just as smoothly. 

I was extremely grateful to learn that a mama in my homeschool group has organized meal drop offs for my family leading up to this baby's due date. Tomorrow is the first night we will get a meal brought to us, and I can't say how happily surprised I was to learn this. 

It's been so oppressively hot lately, I can hardly move. That is, when I'm not gone taking Gabriela to classes, taking the kids to appointments, to park day, midwife appointments and hospital testing. My house is a mess and I sometimes can't even think about cooking a meal for my family. 

I read this blog the other day in which a homeschooling mama wrote how she can be a great at homeschooling OR have a fantastically clean house OR have amazing dinner on the table at meal time. I feel her. Right now I'm doing well at homeschool. But meals and tidiness? I don't have energy or time for that, especially in this heat. 

My midwife was very pleased to hear that the baby is head down. Before I even told her about my handstand antics, she advised me to stay away from swimming because that could cause the baby to turn, and we want her to stay head down! 

I've started wrapping my belly to give it some extra support this week, and am getting some extra use from the beautiful baby wraps and slings a friend has lent me. 

Saturday's nonstress test started with the nurse having a little difficulty finding the right position to hear baby's heartbeat. It was probably less than a minute, but I could sense my breathing change and my anxiety going up. There's no way to know exactly where to listen perfectly the first time, but it was still unsettling, considering my experience with Simone. Baby Girl passed her test. Now we wait until Wednesday to see how she's doing again. 

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