Tuesday, May 15, 2007


In the summer of 2005 I learned about a yoga studio in Morgan Hill. I started going and immediately became hooked. I was attending classes three and four times a week. It was wonderful. Then hurricane Katrina happened, and I was working twelve plus hour days, no time to even cook myself dinner, let alone go to yoga class. Before I knew it, I was moving to Washington DC and never got back into the swing of things.

Until yesterday. Several people had recommended a particular yoga studio in downtown DC. I had been thinking about doing yoga for months, and decided it couldn’t wait any longer. So I packed my yoga mat and decided to catch a class after work.

I can't believe it took me this long to start up again. My class was so calming, relaxing, and at the same time, HARD WORK! At the end of class, they give you an aromatherapy spritz, an eye pillow for the relaxation, and even a little two minute massage. I felt great leaving class.

Today I feel energized. I woke up alert, ready for the day instead of sleepy and snoozing. I even rolled out my mat and did a few poses to start my morning off. I am calm and collected, focused and worry free today. I also feel the stretching in my arms, legs and back. It’s so refreshing. I can’t believe I took a two year break from yoga. My goal is to keep it up, and hopefully attend classes once or twice a week. Check in with me in two months to make sure I'm still going strong.

This moring I looked up the meaning of Namaste on a yoga journal website:

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you."


kljackson15 said...

I guess you have yoga again tonight? I hope the experience is just as wonderful!

I wonder if I can "accidentally" miss the yoga class and get the massage!

Heather said...

it hasn't been two months yet, but i wonder if you're still keeping up with the yoga! :) you're inspiring me to a) do yoga before i go, b) start a blog before i go, c) finish organizing my pictures before i go.

wow, elena, you rock! thank you :) namaste!

Elena said...

Heather! You should totally start a blog. It's just your thing, Miss Writer. And I selfishly want you to so I can see sample wine bottle labels and photos of Robertito. Love you XOXO