Monday, August 11, 2008

The Latest on Gabriela Elena

We are loving the punk rocker bed head Gabriela is sporting these days (pictures coming soon).

She is a total wiggle worm. Somehow, she inches herself all the way to the bottom of her co-sleeper during the night.

Gabriela loves story time. We read three stories at a time and she sits attentively listening and looking at the pictures for all three stories. This week we are reading A Picnic with Monet, In the Garden with Van Gogh, and Miss Spider's New Car.

Despite her Rocky-esque Tummy Time efforts at the tender age of 4 days old (which you can view here), Gabriela has recently confused Tummy Time with Suck on Your Hand Time. We have to work on this.

Gabriela loves playing with her hands and moving those long fingers all over the place. Unfortunately, this morning they landed in her eyeball. Our poor sweetheart started crying and refused to open her eyes back up for a little while. She gave herself quite a scare.

She has gone on several more adventures lately, including meeting her friend Carter, whose parents were in our child birth class with us. Gabriela went to restaurants on Thursday AND Friday nights where she was on her best behavior.


Crawfords said...

It sounds like you guys are pros at parenting already! I love seeing pictures of Gabriela - she's getting so big. Tummy time with Aidan at that age also meant sucking on his hand time. Don't worry, she'll eventually outgrow that.

You guys are so much more adventurous than we were when Aidan was so young, but I'm going to blame it on the weather at the time he was born. February isn't really conducive to spending time outside!

Mom said...

Are you telling me bed head gets crazier than pix in green outfit?
What happened to that well-trained hair?

Well, you're still as cute as a bunny's ear.