Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Busy Weekend

We were so excited to have David come and visit for the weekend. It was low key and full of laughs and good food, as usual. He just loved meeting and spending time with Gabriela. He tried very hard to help her learn to say "Uncle David" over the weekend, but all he got were smiles and coos. Maybe next time.

Lane made dinner on Friday and was quite dismayed to find that we were out of sour cream and cilantro for our chili. He and David stopped at 7-11 for the sour cream, but leave it to David to get cilantro. He seriously went into the mexican restaurant, made friends with the manager and owner and left in minutes with a container of cilantro. Uh, I never would have done that! It was pretty funny though.

Saturday evening, Lane, Gabriela and I went to a baby shower, and Gabriela was an absolute angel! She slept nearly the whole time. I thought for sure, she'd wake up starving (and therefore, screaming). But when she woke up, she was bright-eyed, looked around a lot and was very happy. We had some smiley time, read some stories and she went happily went to sleep a few hours later for the night.

Our weekend with David wouldn't have been complete without the requisite late night Kebob Palace run. So the guys went out to pick us up some Afghan Deliciousness around 11 pm (instead of 1 am or 3 am).

We went to a BBQ at Torin's house on Sunday and met a lovely couple who are having a baby in October. Gabriela was also on her bestest behavior on this outing. We brought our fabulous BabyBjorn bouncer - it's so lightweight and easy to carry around. She is very happy just chilling there, and it gives us some hands free time.

Monday I had lunch with an old high school friend who was in town for a job interview. I enjoyed catching up with her. It was the first time I took Gabriela to a restaurant without Lane. Another great success! I don't know if she's so good because she's still sleeping a lot or what, but we are really enjoying that this is (so far) easier than we thought it would be. phew.

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