I was nervous about us pulling off Gabriela's birthday party - last minute party day shopping, cooking and prepping all the food, getting all the supplies downstairs, getting the place decorated and set up, getting the two of us ready, and trying to make sure my apartment wasn't a mess when my parents arrived.
Gabriela, of course, did not know she was having a party. But she DID know something was going on, and that she couldn't bear to miss it. This is why she didn't nap in the morning like usual. We spent at least an hour just trying to get her to go to sleep. She woke up 20 minutes later. Gabriela was very well behaved at her party. I just wish she'd slept (much) longer because she was quieter and shyer than her normal little self.
My one huge downfall was that I forgot to ask someone to take pictures for us. I am usually the crazy photo documenter. But I was running around like crazy. So if you have some totally awesome photos, please email them to me!!
I had these great plans of photographing Gabriela with each of her guests so we could send pictures to everyone. Oh well, maybe next year. Thank goodness my mom and cousin shared their pics!
We had delicious food, great time with our friends, and Gabriela enjoyed playing with some of her little friends. It was a great celebration for our little one year old!
Happy Birthday Gabriela!
Enjoy every second of having a little baby girl, in a few SHORT months, you guys will have a toddler! Soak it up, these months are SO precious.
Happy Birthday Gabriela!
Wow, you're a big girl now!
Your Uncle Tim, Cousin Mina and I have had such a good time watching you grow. (Good job Mom on keeping the blog up-to-date.) I can't wait to see what you do this next year.
Hugs and Kisses!
awww, happy birthday to gabriela! those pics are precious, so someone did a good job documenting. and elena, i am sure the party was the best party in the whole wide world! xoxo
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