Friday, July 24, 2009

Mina the Birthday Girl

Mina, our sweet little niece, turned 2 yesterday. We love you so much Mina, and wish we could have been there to help you celebrate!

Auntie Theresa told me what Mina requested for her special birthday dinner, and I was so confused. MOLLIES. What the heck?!?!? She then explained to me that meant tamales!!! Seriously, what two year old requests tamales for their birthday dinner?!? My cool Mexican niece, that's who!

So cute. We are proud of you Mina. We miss you bunches. We hope you like the special birthday song we sang you yesterday over the phone :)


Unknown said...

Isn't Mina so silly?
Yeah she like the only 2-year-old I know requesting tamales.
She is getting very good at Spanish. Thank you again for the Dora books. They are very educational. =]
And Mina loved when you sang to her over the phone.
Lots of love to you and your poor little rashy baby.

Mom said...

Yes, Mina is a sweetie and she ate up those tamales, as did we all!