Monday, February 1, 2010

Awesome Parenting Milestones

Two weeks ago it was our first incident with blood, this weekend it was vomit. Oh, what joy!

Gabriela was her normal happy self when she got a little fussy and the next thing I knew, she had thrown up on the kitchen floor. Poor little sweetie wanted to get a tissue to help clean it up. I was holding her in the kitchen when she did a repeat, but this time I raced just in time to the sink. Gross, I know, but not as gross as getting it all over us. Gabriela couldn't keep anything down. She even threw up in the bed after having some water.

Lane came home from his friend's house and took over by finishing dinner (Cooks Illustrated Beef Stew) and making home made buttermilk biscuits to go with the stew.

The next morning, Gabriela was doing just fine again. She must have caught some sort of bug at daycare because Keady was sick on Saturday night too.


banananutmeg said...

baby vomit is the worst because you don't know it's coming. Super gross. Congrats on your survival!

Unknown said...

How the heck did you make it that long without blood and vomit?
Yeah, you guys are officially parents now.