Friday, February 12, 2010


I know I've said this before, but the very thought of having to stay home from work because of the weather was a little ridiculous to me at first. Ridiculous, yet exciting - you mean, I would be forced to stay at home and not work, and get paid, and not have it count against my vacation!?!? Bring on the snow days!!! That was in 2005. After four winters of ZERO snow days, I was starting to think it was a hoax. Clearly, it was all talk. I wasn't ever going to get a day off from work because of the snow.

Then, it finally happened in December. And then again last Friday (half snow day), Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, AND Thursday!! Most people are back to work today, but daycare is closed so I'm still home with Gabriela.

Wednesday morning WAS ridiculous - It was just pure white outside, the snow was POURING down incredibly quickly. And there wasn't a car or person in sight. Just a very thick blanket of snow covering every inch of every surface - the trees, bushes, sidewalk, streets, ledges, awnings. Something these California kids have never seen before.

There were guys out plowing snow all night, dumping it into huge trucks and taking it off somewhere. And even after some sunshine and tons of truck loads of snow removed from the streets, it's still piled so high at the corners and along the streets. Gabriela enjoyed watching the "tractors".

We've had a fun week spending extra time together. Even though I've had to do a lot of work from home over the week, we've still managed to make the most of the snowtastic week. It was very refreshing to cook and bake so much, especially since I haven't had much time or energy to really cook since the Haiti earthquake hit.

Now that the snow's over, we have a three day weekend to enjoy and then it's back to the old routine. I could have gotten used to this one.

1 comment:

Grandpa Grover said...

Thanks for the snow report. Really helps us to feel connected.