Sunday, June 20, 2010

23 months old

Gabriela has grown so much in the last month, it's unbelievable.  Here are some tidbits from her achievements over the last month:

Gabriela's counting: One-two-four-five-six-number-eight-nine-ten-uno!

Gabriela LOVES washing her hands/hates having anything on them and constantly asks to have them washed "Ah-wah- neese"  She also wants to brush her teeth three or four times a day, and insists that anyone nearby do the same.

said, "WHOA, BABY!" the other night at dinner

learned how to blow her nose independently and asks to do so when it's time, "I wanna blow nose"

Knows her name is Gabriela Grover, Says Daddy's name is Daddy Lane Grover and mommy is Mommy Elena Grover

Started playing catch and holds her hands up ready to catch the ball.  "I wanna throw ball, mommy" When I throw the ball and she doesn't catch it, she says "mommy, no do that!"  When Daddy throws it and she doesn't catch the ball, she says "so close!"

Stops whatever she is doing if she thinks I'm hurt to ask, "mommy, kay?"

successfully learned how to blow bubbles and reminds herself "not in-dah mouth" when her bubble wand gets temptingly close.

says, "whoopies" whenever she drops something.

Gabriela is getting very independent and insistent when it comes to some things like putting on her jammies, washing her hands, or going down the stairs, saying "it's Lah-Lah's turn" or "no, I do it mah-self!"
 We are still working on things like sharing and potty training.  Loving every moment of seeing this little princess grow up into a big girl.


Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

she's such a big girl! And so stinkin cute too!!!

Cynthiaclower said...

Miss Gabriela Grover, growing up so big and into quite the little lady. Awwww, I miss you. I wish I could be there for your birthday party next month :(


Unknown said...

i love that little girl. she is such a smart sweet little thing.

Crawfords said...

Gabriela and Aidan are destined to be together - he always forgets "three" when he counts too!

Crawfords said...

Aidan and Gabriela are destined to be together - he forgets "three" when he counts, too!