Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Oakland Zoo

Theresa and her family came to visit Gabriela and me over the weekend for a visit to the Oakland Zoo.  I was so happy to have them, especially since it's just been Gabriela and me the past few days.  
We saw so many different kinds of apes - gibbons, baboons, tamarins, chimpanzees, and more.  This was perfect because Gabriela is having a monkey birthday party next month. She just loves monkeys!
The zoo has a cute kids area that Andrew and Gabriela explored while we had snacks  Andrew pretended to be a giant tortoise, Gabriela sat on a frog, and then they went down tree slides together.
Gabriela and Auntie Theresa walking on the lily pads  
We just happened to get to the baboon area as they were prepping for their lunch.  After they all ran out to enjoy their mid-day feast, Gabriela started asking for "more monkeys out of the window".  
We were so excited to see giraffes.  There aren't any giraffes at the national zoo!  Gabriela loved them. She talked about their long necks and how her neck is short.  She also noticed two giraffes kissing. so sweet. 
 Then we saw Andrew's favorite, the meerkats.  This was obviously the best photo from the meerkat shoot.  I was amazed because we didn't make a big deal of them to Gabriela and we've never read books or watched movies about meerkats before.  But later that day, she randomly said "meerkat. Auntie Teesa, Andrew, Bobby running in the stroller. That my stroller!" And yes, we saw the meerkats with Auntie Theresa and Andrew, and we were sharing the stroller with cousin Andrew and Bobby was running with Andrew in the stroller, and Gabriela pointed out that it was her stroller. She's been telling us long stories for months. I'm so glad I can finally understand what she's saying!

Anyway, we skipped out on the rides and the train because it was hot and the kids were getting really tired. We'll just have to do that when we return to the zoo. I was thrilled to discover that it was FREE since we are members of the National Zoo.  Hurray! We will be coming back very often.


heather said...

yay! a monkey bday party! but wait... did you say in a month??? wow, time FLIES! love how much fun you are having! i hope all is well in sunny cali! xoxo

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

aaaawww...zoo's are so much fun...We've been to the Oakland zoo a few times, we took Trinity there...she loved it.

Theresa said...

It was fun. I think it is funny that you have that picture of the meerkats. The other day we asked Andrew what was his favorite thing at the Zoo and he was telling us about the meerkats sniffing each others butts. Of course I had to show it to him and he still loves it.