Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

We came down to Gilroy to spend some time with our dads for Father's Day weekend.  While I took a lot of pictures, I didn't capture any of us with our dads - what was I thinking?!?  We're still in town, so there's still time.  We're having a fun-filled family weekend.  

Before we came down from Oakland, Gabriela presented her daddy with her hand-made Father's Day card.  On Father's Day morning, she told Daddy "Happy Father's Day" all by herself. And his special present is on the way.
Lane with the girls.  On Saturday Lane and Tim took the girls to the park. They had a blast. The next morning, Gabriela woke up and said "Mina? Uncle Time? Park?" 
Nana gave Gabriela and Mina manicures and pedicures.  This was a total hit.   
Silly Cousin Time
Then we saw a ginormous bird, likely a hawk, stopped at my dad's pool. He seemed to be trying to figure out how to get a drink without falling in.  Check him out as he took off!
We spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Gabriela helped pick some veggies and then chowed down on berries picked right from the vines.  
She made herself comfortable in Grandpa's backyard, as you can see.  They have a table and chairs that are just her size!
Gabriela ran around outside like crazy with Auntie Kristie and then enjoyed a cousin bath with Baby Caetlin.  Aren't these girls cuties?
We are having more adventures in Gilroy.  To be continued.

1 comment:

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

Love the pics girl! You're capturing amazing moments! That big ol bird and the kids in the bath are my fav...keep having fun in Gilroy!