Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pocket Surprise

Yesterday I pulled a pair of Gabriela's pants out of the dresser to put on her. She got all fussy and told me there was something in her pocket.  I checked and there was a tiny kid sized red TOMATO in her pocket.  She must have picked one in the garden a few days ago and shoved it in there. Lovely, a burst tomato had been sitting in the dresser drawer. I guess now I know to check her pockets for produce before putting her clothes away.


Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

Another form of ketchup...YUMMY!!!

Unknown said...

here's your comment. And yes I totally blog stalk you. i mean i only check like 3 times a day but whatever.

Gabriela you can only hide PLASTIC tomatoes in your pockets from now on.