Thursday, July 12, 2007

Strawberry Short Cake.....riiiiiiiiiiight.

Last night around 9pm, Lane and I decided to have strawberry shortcake for dessert. We started making the shortcakes and realized we didn't have whipped cream. We couldn't possibly go without whipped cream on our shortcakes, so Lane made a run across the street to the 7-11.

On the way, he ran into our neighbor Sean, along with his 60 year old parents visiting from Michigan. When Sean asked what Lane was up to, he said he was making an emergency run to 7-11 for whipped cream. Sean's eyes widened and his eyebrows went up in surprise. Sean's parents looked away in embarrassment and began to chuckle quietly. Lane, realizing how inappropriate and scandalous this must have sounded, especially to Sean's parents, quickly tried to explain that this whipped cream was for use with the strawberry shortcakes we were making.
He's not convinced that anyone believed him.


kljackson15 said...

I just laughed out loud at work! But hey, maybe that was a sign that you guys should have some *fun* with the remaining whip cream!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol. that is like the funniest freaking thing I've heard in a LOOOOOOOOONG time.

Poor Lane must have been bright red.

I'm going to tell Theresa since she doesn't want to read your blog.

David Clower said...


I know how Lane is...nice try. You're not kidding me.

Heather said...

Hilarious! I love it... so tell me more about your Panama trip! Do you have time before or after your conference? Do you want company? :)