Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

This was our first Memorial Day weekend on the east coast that we've been at home in DC instead of out on the town in New York City. Our city was completely taken over by Rolling Thunder - some 350,000 biker dudes here to celebrate Memorial Day. They were everywhere, their motorcycles could be heard all around. We managed to survive, though.

Friday night we went with some friends to see the new Indiana Jones movie. We thought it was entertaining however implausible. For example, call me crazy but I don't believe it is possible to survive an atomic bomb closed up in a refrigerator, yet somehow, Indy pulled it off.

Malia was able to get us in with her on a White House tour on Saturday. We thought it was nice of Georgie to invite Lane over for Lane's b-day. The white house was pretty fancy - go figure. It's too bad we weren't allowed to take pictures (or bring chapstick or electric stun guns). It was a little weird to think that the president and dignitaries and the likes roam through those same rooms.

After the White House, we went to Lane's favorite restaurant - Thai Place in Foggy Bottom, for his beloved green curry dish. We've been to lots of Thai restaurants in the area and sampled all their green curries. This place definitely has the best. After my requisite weekend nap, I left the bedroom and happened upon Lane, standing in a pile of hair with scissors in his hands. This guy cut his own hair. Not only that, he did it all in the mirror. Pretty amazing if you ask me. And his hair looks pretty good! Stay tuned for some pics.

We went out for a sushi dinner later that night, followed by a night of karaoke madness. Lane and Sean entertained us with their fabulous singing abilities, but nothing topped Fareed. Fareed was a 50 year old Indian man who sang several hip hoppish songs that you would never suspect a 50 year old Indian man would even know. It was priceless.

We spent Sunday afternoon meeting with a potential doula we might hire to help us through our birth experience and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Sunday I cooked Lane a birthday dinner. - NY steaks, roasted potatoes with garlic and rosemary, his favorite roasted onions, and sauteed squash.

We lazed around today - napped for a while, and got in on some Memorial Day sales at Old Navy & Best Buy. I bought some shirts for the baby for 97 cents each!!!! I love super duper sales. We also got Lane a fancy schmancy widescreen monitor for the computer.

The rest of our evening was spent doing exciting things like cleaning, laundry, and packing for our trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We leave Wednesday after work. Tomorrow will be packed -work, doctor appointment, child birth class, and somehow finishing up getting ready for the rest of the week. Wish us luck!!!

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