Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Week 30

In the last six weeks, Baby Grover has nearly doubled in height to about 16 or 17 inches. She should only gain a few more inches before her grand entrance. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are fully formed, and any hair she has on her head (I'm guessing there's quite a bit) is white because it doesn't have any pigment to it yet.
I'm getting bigger and bigger every day. I'm starting to get a little achy right under my ribs.
Our class started last night officially. I think we have a nice group of people. When class first started I think I was actually a little nervous. I don't know if it was because I was in a room full of people I didn't know or if it was because the immediacy of this whole parenting thing became real. There's a doula/massage therapist in our class that I have my eyes on. The further along we get, the more interested we are in the possibility of hiring a doula.
We saw the coolest video at our class. A brand newborn baby was placed on its momma's stomach right after birth. We watched the baby scoot up the momma's tummy, find her breast (all on its own), and start to nurse. It was unbelievable and totally precious.

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