Monday, May 19, 2008


Holy Baby Shower Weekend! We had a fabulous, fabulous time. I was so excited to see my mom, my sister Theresa, my sister Cynthia, and my brother David. As we all sat around the dinner table on Thursday night, someone knocked at the door. In a not-so-surprised voice, one of my sisters said, "Hmm, I wonder who *that* could be?!?!?" Quickly, my mind raced to figure out who else could possibly be showing up. I decided it had to be Lane's sister, Ann. After all, she doesn't have any kids.

I was super duper shocked and excited to see my sister in law Adrienne at the door!! As if this weren't shocking enough, my OTHER sister in law, Meliss popped into the doorway as well. You have to picture me at this point - big huge pregnant lady jumping up and down and clapping, and (of course) crying! I never would have guessed that they'd be able to make it out and it was wonderful to see them.

Not only did my WHOLE family know they were coming out, Lane found out a couple days ahead of time, and then I learned Adrienne already had her flight reserved when she came out to visit us in April, AND Lane spent time with his brothers in April and didn't find out from them that their wives were coming to visit. I was very impressed with everyone's secret keeping abilities!

On Friday, Adrienne and Meliss left to go run an "errand". Not wanting to be nosy, and figuring it was something related to the shower, I didn't ask what they had to do (or why they needed our car to do it). They said they'd meet us at dinner later that night. Oh they showed up for dinner alright, all FOUR of them!! That's right, as if having two sweetheart sisters in law show up by surprise wasn't enough, Lane's mom AND grandma also surprised us with a marathon 48 hour weekend visit.

We thoroughly enjoyed the time we got to spend with both our families. More on our weekend together coming soon.

p.s. Adrienne is so sneaky, just look at the comment she posted on the previous post!!

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