Monday, December 1, 2008

My Post-Pregnant Self

I read about how you shed like crazy after having a baby. I thought I had skipped that lovely phase by the second month or so, kind of like how Gabriela never lost her baby hair. But that is not the story. You know how when you wash your hair, a little bit always comes out? Well that doesn't happen when you're pregnant - hormones or something. So I guess in one month I'm shedding a whole year's worth of hair. It is no fun.

At least the breastfeeding has had added side benefits. You burn calories like crazy when you breastfeed. This might be why I weigh 11 lbs less than when I GOT pregnant. I've even been able to wear stuff from my "DON'T EVEN BOTHER" pile of clothes.

I am loving walking as fast as I want, and not having to think twice to pick something up off the floor. At work, I don't even mind when the tray of the copy machine, which is inches from the floor, needs to be filled. I happily walk the 10 minutes to work from the metro (instead of huffing and puffing and getting all sweaty and arriving in 20 minutes - or just waiting for the shuttle).

I probably wouldn't even mind wearing high heels again if my FEET HADN'T GROWN. I swear, they are at least 1/2 a size bigger now. *sigh*

But the best part is all the happiness just from being Gabriela's mama. When she wakes up in the morning she is always in such a good mood and she'll just look at Lane or me and give us the biggest, sweetest grin she's got. It melts my heart. She "talks" to us lots these days. She also started having conversations with the Christmas tree on Friday. too cute.


banananutmeg said...

ahhh the hair falling out stage. isn't is sad? My hair waits to fall out until i'm totally done nursing and then comes out in clumps...right about the same time my boobs shrivel up to looking like two fried eggs hanging from popcicle sticks. Awesome. It is amazing how much more energy you have once you are no longer pregnant...I can't wait for that part! I'm sooo tired all the time! You look so good, btw.

Patrick and Crystal said...

Breastfeeding is totally worth it, even if it weren't for the baby benefits! It's such a great feeling to be able to eat whatever, without having to be weighed, and without gaining weight! I swear i ate anything and everything while i was nursing and was still 10 pounds under my normal weight. the sad part is when you stop nursing and realize you actually have to WORK to keep the same weight. and then you get pregnant again and the pounds just keep coming! ugh, i guess it's worth it.