Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy FIRST Father's Day, Daddy!

Early this weekend, we happened upon a Cooks Illustrated magazine at Costco. We wondered whether we should get it, but when we saw that they had a recipe for Best Buttermilk Pancakes, Lane said we needed it and we decided we'd try them for his Father's Day breakfast.

Lane feasted on these buttermilk pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh peaches and strawberries and a berry smoothie for breakfast. After breakfast was done, Gabriela put on her special My Heart Belongs to Daddy outfit and she handed her daddy his gift. She picked out lots of special pictures of her daddy and her from the day she was born up until last month and made a special photo book for him. She's very tech savvy for an 11 month old.

Father's Day was also Cooks Illustrated day for us. For dinner, I tried a tomato almond pesto. It was very impressive. After cuddling with Gabriela and reading some stories, we made the brownies from Cooks Illustrated. Delish!

Lane is such a caring, fun, patient, and loving daddy. Gabriela loves all the stories, shoulder rides, daddy snuggles and cuddles, peek-a-boo games, and giggles she shares with her daddy. Sweetheart, you are the best!!

p.s. sorry i've been a little sucky at taking pictures lately...


Mom said...

Just the kind of day I would expect from my Grover family. Savvy--umm, from her mom, for sure.

Leanne said...

So why am I tearing up while reading this?