Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh yeah, and we're moving

Nothing major, just a few blocks over. We'll still be in Crystal City, but only a one block walk from the metro. We seem to have this trend of moving to smaller and smaller places. See for yourself:

1. 1700 sq ft 3 bdrm 2.5 bath house

2. 1200 sq ft 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo

3. 1051 sq ft 1 bdrm, 1.5 bath apt

4. 919 sq ft 1 bdrm (plus den), 1 bath condo

Our current apt is HUGE but we decided after one year, that we should probably have a little space just for Gabriela. Also, a lot of the square footage of our current apt is closet and more and more closet space. We are going to have to get a storage unit for Christmas stuff.

But we're glad to be leaving the building - currently we are paying as much ast $200 utilities. This is a sore spot us because our bill is not based on our usage, so there's really no incentive in our 2 bldg 12 floors each apartment complex for people to conserve energy. It also doesn't help that they keep the common areas as warm as a sauna in the winter and ice cold in the summer. It became a really super duper sore spot for Lane when we saw the apt complex is offering a special to new tenants - 6 months no utilities!!! We get to pay for it! Yippee!!

Anyway, we aren't moving until August 1st and we're moving to a place where we pay based on our actual electricity usage. There's a balcony (herb garden, here i come), a washer and dryer in the unit, and the owner offered us $150 less /month than the listed rental price. We'll actually be paying less than what we pay now. The den has a window and closet and french doors. I think it will work out perfectly for Gabriela. Now I just have to make that quilt.


banananutmeg said...

wow. thank you. I really really needed to read this post. A friend of mine just bought a new home and I went to see it today for the first time. 2 stories (3/4 finished walk out basement...just needs paint, lights, and carpet) 2300 sq ft and she payed less than $150K for it. I realize the market TANKED right AFTER we moved here, so we paid more for our house than we would have 3 months later...but still. ALL I could think of while admiring each of the 5 bedrooms was what I could do with that much space and how sickeningly jealous I was of her (with one kid) in such a giant home. A formal dining room. A library...A LIBRARY! what would THAT be like! A laundry room with a utility sink and cabinets...and don't forget the landscaped yard with a gazebo and the goes on and on. I got home and was pretty bitter about our "tiny" 1750 sq ft space and how we are simply bursting at the seams around here.

The truth is, we have plenty of space. Sure, my garage is lined with rubbermaid bins storing anything not currently being used, but still. We have enough room...and right now, with Corbin in our room still, we technically have a vacant bedroom.

I need to make a trip to IKEA or something to be reminded of what can be done with a small space. I'm sure yours will be just lovely! The french doors sound great...and please post info about growing herbs too! I have cilantro basil and lime basil in my herb garden and I have no idea what the heck I am doing. Will it spread? How much basil can I pick off without killing the plant? i want to make a huge batch of pesto to freeze, but will the basil "replenish" itself.

Wow I should have emailed you. This comment is ridiculous. Sorry! Thanks for making me less sorry for myself and more grateful for my little home here.

Unknown said...

Your new place sounds cute. It's neat that Gabriela will have her own room. Now getting her to sleep in it will be the trick. It only took me 15 months or so to get Mina out of our room/bed after she had her own room. Hopefully Gabriela will be more co-operative.
And I totally get you on the whole power bill thing. I would be pissed to pay $200 a month. We pay about $17 now. I have everything on power strips that get turned off when not in use. I even unplug my microwave when I'm not nuking something. Screw all those power wasters out there.

To Banananutmeg- Your friend may have a 2300 sq. ft. 5 bedroom house but she also has to clean it. ;]

Mom said...

The apt sounds cute and the washer and dryer in apt will save money and make laundry so much easier.