Monday, June 1, 2009

Post Camp Out CA Shennanigans

We left El Grover Rancho early Monday morning. We stopped in Paradise at a gas station before heading out on the road and by the time we left Gabriela was completely passed out. She slept the entire drive to San Francisco - all three hours! Seriously, best baby ever! I was so nervous we'd hit Memorial Day weekend traffic with a fussy baby, but there was no traffic and no fussing. yahoo!

Noal hosted us at his apartment where we visited and introduced Gabriela to her Auntie Cati. We went out for Thai food. Gabriela could not get enough Tom Ka Gai soup - you know, the spicy coconut milk one? She leaned forward and kind of screeched until we gave her another bite to guzzle down. We ended the evening with a visit to to Mitchell's Ice Cream where we got decadent chocolate covered cones. It was really nice to spend some extra time with the SF Grovers.

The next morning Meliss said she'd help me get started on my quilt!!! woo-hoo! We cut all the triangles and I even started sewing some squares together on her machine. We made a ton of progress in just a couple of hours. Now I have to continue on my own.

It was so relaxing to leave in the afternoon and not be rushed at all. It was totally worth arriving to the ridiculously long Jet Blue check in line, the extra airport security check, and even the guy on the bus ride home who told the driver not to stop if a fight started in case our suitcase landed on him. (seriously)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And now that you have a sewing machine we should see a picture of that quilt in no time.