Thursday, August 20, 2009

13 Months Old

This has been a big month for Gabriela! She celebrated her birthday and really started walking! Now she almost never wants to be held. She especially loves trying to walk up steps. It's so sweet when she stops what she's doing and holds her hand up to Lane or me because she wants our support.

Gabriela is still signing away. She loves playing with the tupperware, and is so proud of herself when she manages to put the lid on something. She also recently became interested in her little stacking toy and works so hard to stack her tower. We'll try to get some video up soon.

Gabriela is extremely friendly. She waves hello to nearly everyone that walks by us, getting even the grumpiest looking people to smile back at her. She especially loves other little kiddos her size. She gets so excited! The other day we saw a 4 month old baby and she held her arms out to the baby like she does to us when she wants us to hold her.

Gabriela is also starting to show off some dance moves. When we turn on the music in the car she moves her head back and forth and claps. Gabriela knows where here eyes, nose, and tongue are. She points to them when you ask, and also recently discovered that her nose has, not one, but two holes in it!!! She understands more and more every day. Just the other day, I told her it was time to take off her shirt, and she took it right off all by herself.

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