Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some New Videos

As most of you already know, we've been teaching Gabriela sign language to help her communicate with us more effectively. To do the sign for please you actually rub the palm of your hand in a circular motion on your chest. Gabriela does it slightly differently - she puts her hand on her chest, raises the other one and kind of shakes around. It's pretty damn cute. Her sign for please is so much like dancing that we couldn't resist the temptation to dress her up in a Hula outfit (given to us by Malia Taylor) and have her do the sign. I know, I know, we're terrible parents - but it's going to be great to watch this when she's in High School and she brings over her boyfriend for dinner or something. See for yourself. (Never mind the little cough at the end - she's a little congested)

Here's another video of her walking. This one is much better than the last one. You can see how much she's improved in just a week!


Unknown said...

I LOVE the vid of her walking!!!!!!!!
so cute. I can't wait to see her again. High five Gabriela! You've got that walking thing down!

Theresa said...

I love your little Hula dance Gabriela. Your Mom wasn't sure she was going to do that, but I am sure glade she did. You are so so so cute. I miss you so much.
Love Auntie

Malia said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! the outfit came in handy!!
