Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gabriela Makes a Pizza

After reading a friend's post about recent homemade pizza making adventures, I was inspired to let Gabriela make her first pizza. When we were kids we always made pizza on the weekends and the kids made little personal sized pizzas with their own toppings.

Gabriela got her apron on, stood up on the chair, and was ready to start cooking. She concentrated very hard on spreading out the dough.

Then spread on the tomato sauce,
And spread out the dough some more.
Time for cheese!
Lots of cheese
And when you think Mom isn't looking, take a big bite of cheese!
Anxiously awaiting the finished product. Since Christmas, anything that goes in the oven is a COOKIE, according to Gabriela.
Ta-da! Gabriela's first pizza!
And, just for fun, here's the big-kid version.


Cynthiaclower said...

This is fantastic! Gabriela is so focused and intent on being just as much a star in the kitchen (and in th e pizza making department)as her mama. I love the photo documentation of the whole process. Miss that baby girl!!

banananutmeg said...

Oh I need the big kid version recipe!!!

Cute idea! I think I might have to have a lil' pizza party with the kids soon. They're getting antsy for spring (as am I) and this would be a fun indoors activity. Love her apron!

Unknown said...

so cute. i'm jealous that you guys are eating that yummy looking pizza

Theresa said...

So fun. I love how focus she looks. Looks like she is working so hard. So excited. We can all make pizza when you come to California.

Mom said...

I remember the days! Actually, we still make pizzas with Andrew and Mina when we're not in too big a hurry to eat. Sometimes that "help" can slow you down! But there's nothing like handing down those special traditions. I think Gabriela will fit just fine in Nana's kitchen. PS The pizza looks almost like a marguerita pizza. One of my faves.

David Clower said...

Adorable and so delicious looking! Thanks for sharing this fun experience. Feeling the need to get back into the game, I went to Williams Sonoma yesterday and got all the equipment need to compete at the Grover level: Pizza Stone, Peel, and Cutter.

Elena said...

That's because it IS a margherita pizza! :D It's one of our fav's too.

Mom said...

I want pizza right now, even though I haven't had breakfast yet. Last night I made Lane's signature dish! Matthew and I enjoyed it. It was good timing since Dad can't have regular pasta and Kristie can't have feta cheese. Our dish was pasta tossed with a giant dose of fresh spinach. Matthew and I also watch two movies, "Brick Road" and "Serendipity". We were bonding.